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Friday 5 December 2008

Norton Cross

Norton Cross was seen on the Clyde today heading for James watt Dock,oddly she reversed all the way to the dock.

She was built by Richard Dunstons (Hessle) Ltd, for the Tees Towing Company for operations on the River Tees. Known as a Tractor-Tug, because the propulsion unit protrudes from the bottom of the hull forward of midship.

Thursday 4 December 2008

Gyn Yoh

Departing from Sheildhall

Further downriver she passes James Watt Dock and heads for the tail of the bank.

A set of photographs showing the large bulker Gyn Yoh leaving Shieldhall in Glasgow were she had discharged her cargo of animal feed.

Dumbarton Rock

Wednesday 3 December 2008


Seen passing Dunoon on a windy but glorious sunny day in November.

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Hebridean Isles

The Hebridean Isles at James Watt Dock on the 29 November 2008,click HERE for more deatails of the ferry and her route,

Monday 1 December 2008

James Watt Dock

Isle of Mull and Hebridean Isles at James Watt dock for their winter overhaul.

Loch Dunvegan

Loch Dunvegan at James Watt Dock,on the 28 November 2008,Loch Dunvegan route is from Colintraive to Rhubodach on the Isle of Bute,often known as the back door to Rothesay,to learn more about the ferry click HERE

Sunday 30 November 2008

Duncan Bow


The bow section of Duncan being towed to the Govan shipyard in Glasgow. Its the 5th type 45 destroyer.